Noises that Indicate an HVAC Repair is Needed
Noises that Indicate an HVAC Repair is Needed
Efficient, reliable heating and cooling for your Southeast home is essential for indoor comfort. If your HVAC system makes any of the following noises, contact one of our HVAC contractors near you.
Banging or Rattling Noises
You don't want to ignore these sounds because they're usually the first clue that something inside the system is broken or loose. The good news is that these sounds don't always indicate an expensive furnace or AC repair. The rattling you hear could be debris inside your ductwork or the compressor or fan unit has a loose bearing. The best thing to do when your HVAC system is rattling or banging is to turn off the system immediately and call one our our contractors for a professional diagnosis.
Buzzing Sounds
Three issues typically cause buzzing sounds: a faulty condenser fan, a faulty compressor, and isolation feet problems, the latter caused by the rubber wearing down or loosening over time. When an HVAC unit's condenser fan's motor goes bad or there's an electrical issue inside the motor, the first sign is usually a consistent buzzing sound while the fan runs. If the compressor causes the buzzing, it's likely an electrical issue within the relay switch.
Squealing Noises
An HVAC system that makes squealing sounds within the first 10-15 seconds of turning on should be turned off immediately to avoid dangerous operating conditions. High-pitched sounds inside the compressor often mean that internal pressure is rising. While other less severe issues cause squealing sounds, such as dry bearings and loose belts, you shouldn't operate an HVAC system making this noise until an HVAC contractor inspects it.
Your home's HVAC system should always operate quietly. If it's making banging, rattling, clanking, hissing, buzzing, or other weird sounds, don't wait to figure out what's happening. Getting ahead of the situation will save you money and ensure you have reliable heating and cooling always. To find anHVAC contractor use our website to find an HVAC contractor near you today.