The Importance of Good Airflow

The Importance of Good Airflow
Few things are as refreshing on a hot summer day as a well-functioning central air conditioning system. Air streaming out of the vents makes it feel like there's a cool breeze blowing through every room in your home. Here's how to ensure the cool air keeps circulating freely no matter how high the mercury rises
Change the Filter
A dirty or clogged filter can restrict the amount of conditioned air coming from the vents. It also forces your AC system to run on longer cycles to maintain a comfortably cool temperature. Replacing the HVAC filter at the first sign of dirt can lower the system's energy consumption by as much as 15%.
Seal the Ducts
In the average home, up to 30% of the air circulating through the ductwork is lost to duct leaks, holes and loose connections. Leaky ducts diminish airflow, making it difficult to keep your home cool and comfortable. It also pushes the system to work harder, driving up operating costs and shortening its service life. You'll save money now and later by having a qualified HVAC contractor seal the ducts.
Schedule HVAC Maintenance
Like tune-ups for your motor vehicle, scheduling regular checkups for your HVAC system helps keep airflow strong and the equipment running at peak performance. By optimizing efficiency, professional maintenance also lets you pay less on energy expenses. Here's more good news! Regularly scheduled HVAC tune-ups allow skilled service technicians to identify and resolve potential issues before they lead to costly repairs. Since well-maintained systems last longer than neglected ones, you can avoid the cost of an unexpected replacement.
Is the current of air flowing from your AC system weak and ineffectual? Schedule air conditioning service from one of our qualified HVAC providers in your area. You can trust the professionals at AC Southeast to ensure your forced-air HVAC systems keep your home comfortable year-round.